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    Palais de Chaillot at the Trocadero

    Along with the gardens of the Trocadero, the Champs-Elysees and the Eiffel Tower, the Palais de Chaillot constitutes a fine example of the architecture at the beginning of the 20th century. It was built for the Exhibition held in Paris in 1937. Its architects were Boileau, Azema and Carlu, who planned the present building on the site of another previous structure, the Trocadero. Of the latter, built by Napoleon for his son, the King of Rome, only the plans by Percier and Fontaine remain. Palais de Chaillot consists of two enormous pavilions which stretch out in two wings, united by a central terrace with statues of gilt bronze. From here…

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  • World

    SAMOS Griechenland

    Samos, Geburtsinsel des grossen Philosophen und Mathematiker Pytagoras, ist ein Ort wo der alte Intellekt und die Kultur hell erstrahlte. Die Insel befand sich auf der Hoehe seiner Groesse unter ihrem Herrscher Polykrates. Die groesste Stadt der Insel ist Samos, ehemals Vathy. Es besitzt eine interessantes archeologisches Museum mit Funden von den Ausgrabungen des Heraion (Tempel der Goettin Hera) und der alten Stadt Samos. Die Staedte Pythagorion und Carlovassi ( zweitgroesste Stadt von Bedeutung ) sind einen Besuch wert. Die Insel hat viele interessante Doerfer in den Bergen und an der Kueste. Einmalig ist das Paleontologische Museum des Ortes Mytilini. Die Insel liegt in der Ostägäis und ist der kleinasiatischen Küste vorgelagert. Im Südosten trennt die etwa 6 Kilometer lange und an…

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  • Jardin des Plantes Paris

    Jardin des Plantes

    The Jardin des Plantes – Paris, France The Jardin des Plantes or Botanical Gardens, dates back to 1626, when Herouard and Guy de la Brosse, the doctors of Louis XIII, established the Royal Garden of Medicinal Herbs, opened to the public in 1650. Its collections of plants were enriched by Louis XIV’s first doctor, Fagon, by the botanist Tournefort, by the three Jussieu brothers, who travelled the world in search of new plants, and above all by the great naturalist Buffon; the latter made the greatest contribution to the gardens, enlarging them as far as the Seine and building the galleries, the maze and the amphitheatre. At the time of…

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  • Rudolfinum

    Rudolfinum in Prague

    Rudolfinum House of Artists ( Dum umelcu ) – This grandiose construction, with its elegant architectural forms, stands majestically on the banks of the Vltava and overlooks the square named after Jan Palach, the martyr of the ” Prague Spring ” in 1968. It is also known as the Rudolfinum, as it was named in honour of Rudolph of Habsburg. It was built in the second half of the 19th century by J. Zitek and J. Schulz. Once the seat of the Czechoslovak Parliament ( 1919 – 1939 ), it is considered to be one of the most outstanding examples of neo – Renaissance architecture in Prague.  An allegory dedicated to Wagner adorns the main…

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  • Champs elysees

    Champs elysees

    Champs elysees was originally a vast swampy area; after its reclamation, Le Notre in 1667 designed the wide avenue which was first called the Grand-Cours (its present name dates from 1709): it extends from the Tuileries to Place de I’Etoile, now called Place de Gaulle. At the beginning of the avenue are the celebrated Horses of Marly, by Guillaume Coustou. From here to the Rond-Point of the Champs-Elysees, the avenue is flanked by a vast park. As we walk along it, on the right is the Theatre des Ambassadeurs-Espace Pierre Cardin, on the left the Ledoyen restaurant from the time of Louis XVI. In Place Clemenceau is the bronze statue…

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  • World

    St. Severin Paris

    From as early as the end of the 11th century, St-Severin was the parish church of the whole Left Bank. Its construction as it stands today was begun in the first half of the 13th century and lasted until the end of the 16th. Here, legend relates, Dante came to pray at the time of his hypothetical trip to Paris, perhaps in 1307. The west door, dating from the 13th century, comes from the church of St-Pierre-aux-Boeufs, demolished in 1839. The windows and rose window above it are in the Flamboyant Gothic style of the 15th century, while the bell tower standing on the left is from the 13th century.…

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  • World

    Carnavalet Museum Paris

    Entrance to the museum is on the right of the courtyard. On the first floor are collections of furniture, works of art and paintings which illustrate the Paris of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI.  On the ground floor, on the other hand, most of the rooms are dedicated to the Revolution and the First Empire. Among the museum’s most interesting relics are the bill of indictment of Louis XVI and the key of the Temple in which the royal family was imprisoned, the dressing table and chair used by Marie-Antoinette in the Tower of the Temple (on the table are perfume bottles and a miniature of the Dauphin which the queen…

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  • kalymnos


    KALYMNOS ist eine der malerischen Inseln der Dodekanese. Sie ist huegelig, aber nicht sehr fruchtbar. Die Hauptbeschaeftigung ihrer Bewohner ist das Schwammtauchen. Man betrachtet sie als besten Taucher der Welt. Bevor ihre Boote in jedem Fruehling von der Hauptstadt Pothia Oder Kalimnos aus Segel setzen fuer die Fahrt zur Kueste Nordafrikas, werden Festlichkeiten mit interessanten Volksbelustigungen abgehalten. Reliquien aus prehistorischen Zeiten wurden in einer Hoehle auf dem Huegel Aghia Varvara entdeckt. Auf der Insel befinden sich auch Ueberreste aus der Mykenischen Periode. Und bei Telendos, einer kleinen Insel in Naehe von Kalymnos gibt es Ueberreste einer versunkenen alten Stadt.

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  • World

    Bethlehem Chapel

    Bethlehem Chapel ( Betlemska kaple ) The building which stands here today is the result of a faithful reconstruction of the original, destroyed in the second half of the 18th century. This work was completed in the early 1950s by J. Fragner who gathered information about the original chapel from old iconographic sources, descriptions and prints of the earlier building, This had been built towards the end of the 14th century at the request of the citizens of Prague who wanted a church where they could celebrate Mass in their own language. Instead the church authorities only gave their permission for the construction of a Gothic chapel, although this was capable of…

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  • World


    Alexandroupolis ( 341 km from Thessaloniki via Amphipolis ) is one of the new towns of Greece, and its most easterly port in the north. Its visitors enjoy modern amenities, such as comfortable hotels, camping sites, good restaurants and sandy beaches. Alexandroupolis is the capital of the Prefecture of Evros, and the last important town of Greece before reaching the Turkish border. Its area is abounding in game – birds and especially in water – fowl and migratory birds. So it attracts many sportsmen every hunting period.

  • World

    The world of Gaudi

    The image of Barcelona is closely associated with that of the architect Antoni Gaudi. The discovery of his work is one of the principle objectives of many visitors to the city.  La Pedrera Is, perhaps, the most suitable starting point for the circuit of Gaudi’s Barcelona. This residential building (currently property of a cultural foundation and used for exhibitions), lies on a corner of the Eixample and has three facades which, in reality, form one single frontage, defined by characteristic curved lines which evoke an improbable wave of stone, peppered by the twisted metal rails of the balconies. Following an extremely costly refurbishment, finished in the mid nineties, La Pedrera…

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    Vincennes Paris

    Castle This was called the “Versailles of the middle ages” and its history is closely linked to the history of france. The forest of vincennes was acquired by the crown in the 11th century and philippe auguste had a manorhouse built there, to which louis ix added the chapel. The castle, built by the valois, was begun by philippe vi in 1334 and completed by charles v in 1370: in this period the keep, part of the chapel and the surrounding walls were constructed. In 1654 mazarin (who had become governor of vincennes two years before) commissioned le vau to erect two symmetrical pavilions for the king and queen. From…

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