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    Sorbonne Paris University

    The name Sorbonne is used to indicate the complex of buildings which the University of Paris has occupied for seven centuries. In 1253 the confessor of King Louis IX, Robert de Sorbon, founded a college in which theology was also taught to poorer students, and this was the original nucleus of what was to be the famous university. In the vast area which it occupies today are the various institutes and lecture rooms besides other parts such as the library and the chancellor’s lodge. COLLEGE DE FRANCE Standing on the remains of Gallo-Roman baths, it was constructed between 1610 and 1778 by Chalgrin. The College de France was created in 1530 by Francois I…

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    Versailles in France

    Versailles HISTORY Situated about 14 miles south-west of Paris, Versailles at the time of Louis XIII was no more than a modest hunting lodge, built in 1624 and consisting of a simple square building with the present-day Marble Court in the centre.  The creation of the great palace of Versailles was due to Louis XIV, who after the Fronda incidents decided to abandon Paris and transform his predecessor’s simple hunting castle into a royal palace worthy of the splendid sovereign he wished to be. In 1668 Le Vau enlarged the original building to twice its size, giving it a wide facade on the side overlooking the park. The work of transforming the…

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    Paris France Hotel Carnavalet

    Entrance to Paris – Hotel Carnavalet, one of the finest in the city and containing one of its most interesting museums, is at no. 23 Rue de Sevigne. Constructed in 1544, it was rebuilt in Renaissance forms in 1655 by Francois Mansart, who added a floor and gave it its present appearance; it also contains some fine statues by Jean Goujon.  In 1677, the building was rented by the writer Marie de Rabutin, better known as the/ Marquise de Sevigne, and in the 19th century the Museum was opened, containing historical documents of great importance and rarity related to the history of Paris, seen through its historical figures, monuments and costumes, from…

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    Montmartre was and is one of the most picturesque and curious quarters of Paris It stands on a limestone hill 425 feet high where, according to the legend, St Denis, the first bishop of Paris, was beheaded in about 250 A.D., along with the priests Eleutherius and Rusticus.     Because of its strategic position, dominating the whole of Paris, Montmartre has also had an important part in the city’s political history. In fact the Commune began from an incident here in March 1871. Then throughout the 19th century Montmartre was the mecca of all the Bohemian artists and for a long time it maintained its place as the literary and  artistic centre…

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    Hotel des invalides Paris, France Metro: Varenne, la Tour Maubourg.Zugang über die Esplanade des Invalides und den Place Vauban (7. Bez.).Heeresgeschichtliches Museum: die Militärgeschichte vom Altertum bis heute, dargestellt in einer der reichhaltigstenSammlungen von Waffen und Uniformen. Museum für Pläne und Reliefs: Modelle von Städten, Häfen und Befestigungsanlagen im Maßstab 1/600. Domkirche: Grabstätte Napoleons I. Kirche Saint-Louis-des-lnvalides: geschmückt mit den dem Feind abgenommenen Fahnen.

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    Bois de Boulogne

    Situated to the west of Paris, almost opposite the other park of Vincennes, the Bois de Boulogne, with its lawns, lakes, waterfalls and gardens, covers an area of more than 2200 acres. In the era of the Merovingian kings, it was a vast forest, called the Foret du Rouvre, from the name of an oak-tree which grew abundantly there. In the 16th century, a church called Notre-Dame-de-Boulogne-sur-mer was erected, and gradually the name of Boulogne came to replace that of Rouvre. The place became a refuge for adventurers and bandits, so that in 1556 Henri II had it surrounded by a high wall with eight gates. It was replanned by Colbert and…

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    Alles und jeder in Athen scheint unwiderstehlich von die Akropolis angezogen zu werden, dem 156 Meter hohen Kalksteinfelsen, welcher die Stadt kroent. Klar und deutlich sichtbar von allen Teilen Athen, stehen die gleichfoermigen und blendend weissen Saeulen des Parthenons gegen den blauen Hintergrund des Himmels, ein unsterbliches Symbol von Geist und Genialitaet der Menschheit. Archeologische Ausgrabungen ausgefuehrt an den Haengen und flachen Erhebungen die Akropolis haben erschlossen, dass dieser grosse Heilige Felsen erstmals waehrend dem Neolithischen Alter, vor einigen 6.000 Jahren, bewohnt war. Erst kamen die Pelasgianer, und dann die lonier, um sich hier niederzulassen, hauptsaechlich in den Hoehlen entlang der noerdlichen Seite. In Zeiten der Gefahrt suchten sie Zuflucht…

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    Triumphal Arch

    Triumphal Arch stands in majestic isolation in the centre of the square. Ordered by Napoleon as a memorial to the Grand Army, it was begun by Chalgrin in 1806. Completed in 1836, it has a single archway and actually exceeds in size the Arch of Constantine in Rome: it is 164 feet high and 147 feet wide. On the faces of Triumphal Arch are bas reliefs, the best known and finest piece being that on the right, on the part of the arch facing the Champs-Elysees, depicting the departure of the volunteers in 1792 and known as the Marseillaise (F. Rude).  The bas reliefs higher up celebrate the victories of Napoleon, while…

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    Nuremberg egg by Nuremberg clockmaker Peter Henlein

    This is a very special clock made in the late 16th century. It is a small egg-like clock that works like the watches were working once upon a time. It's an ornament, spin-driven watch made

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    Santa Maria Novella Florenz

    Die Basilika Santa Maria Novella ist eine gotische Kirche und Klosteranlage in Florenz. Sie liegt an der Piazza Santa Maria Novella Der Bau der Kirche wurde 1246 von den Architekten und Monchen Sisto und Ristoro begonnen und 1360 von Jacopo Talenti beendet. Die prachtige Fassade ist eine Schopfung des Leon Battista Alberti, der sie 1470 beendete. Das Innere, in gotischromanischem Stil, ist in drei Schiffe unterteilt. Der Glockenturm stammt aus dem 14ten Jahrhundert. Wir empfehlen, die herrlichen Kreuzgange aus dem 13ten Jahrhundert zu besichtigen, die sich auf der linken Seite der Kirche befinden.

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